As I was creating the game, I loved how I was challenging myself. My brain was working overtime in the creativity department, but I was using a ton of critical thinking skills, just as my students do when they're solving the breakouts. This was the most fun I've had creating a lesson in a long time. To plan the connections of all of the locks, boxes, clues, puzzles, and so on was very taxing on my brain. But, I got it done and tried it out with my kiddos last week! I wasn't sure if I had made it difficult enough or too difficult and was happy to find out that it was about right. They were on the last clue when time ran out, so I did stump them, but they got stuck on some clues that they found out weren't quite as hard as they were making them out to be.
Anyway, I wanted to share my breakout with you, if you're interested in using it in your classroom. It's also in the shared drive on the Breakout EDU website. So, if you would like to peruse other games, go to and click on "get started." You'll get access to a variety of game for many different grade levels and subject areas. Here's a PDF of my game, if you'd like to try it out!
Thanks for stopping by!

How did you make the word search that also allowed you to spell out a phrase?