Happy Wednesday, All! There is so much to be thankful for, and I hope this holiday/long weekend finds you appreciating all of the goodness in your life as well. I thought I would share some of the things I'm thankful for.
First and foremost, I'm thankful for my family. Even though this picture is old, it is a great picture of the most loved ones in my life. (Except we are missing my sweet little niece, Emmie Joy.) My family is incredibly special to me. I would not live in this cold tundra of North Dakota if it weren't for my family. They bring me so much joy, love, and support. One of my favorite titles is "Auntie," alongside "Mommy." The best part of the holiday season is time with all of these wonderful people, as well as my extended family.
I'm also incredibly appreciative of my wonderful friends, both near and far, I'm thankful for this new position in education, as I find myself less stressed, but feeling more creative and more connected to the small groups of kiddos I work with each day. I'm thankful for my health, as well as my family's, and I continue to pray for this wellness. I am also very thankful for the new church family I have found over the last year, and the peace I feel each week as the kids and I attend worship services each Sunday.
I could go on and on about all of the things/people/places I'm thankful for, but I'll end this post with a final piece of gratitude. I'm thankful for the Internet, which gives me the opportunity to write this post, whether or not anyone reads it. It also gives me the chance to sell the products I continually create to use in my own classroom. With that said, I'm sure you've heard of the TPT sale going on for Cyber Monday! My entire store will be an additional 20% off, and by using the following code, you can get an even bigger discount too!! I hope you find something to help you in the coming weeks, especially with the Christmas holiday right around the corner!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a relaxing and enjoyable break from work. Take care!
Woot, I love cyber Monday!