Hey strangers! I know I've been quite MIA for...hmm...about half a year. There's a reason for that, I promise!
Yep...I've been on this roller coaster of life with one more little guy to enjoy it with. Meet Winten Bernard Gunderson! Isn't he a cutie?! He was born in August, and I was able to stay home with him until the beginning of October. He's a little honey, and we love our little addition SO much!
But, that's only part of the story. I came off of maternity leave to a new teaching position. I am now teaching a 5th & 6th grade combination class in the town I grew up in and currently reside. So, the sweet thing is that I get to walk across the street to work with my three big boys, which is totally awesome. I also only have 5 students, which is pretty amazing. Oh the wonderful hands-on learning that can be done in a small classroom! I'm LOVING it! The only thing I'm not loving is that I don't teach math to my wonderful kiddos, but I get them for every other subject. It's a juggling game and a lot of work, so that's why I've been so MIA lately. I'm hoping to be better in the new year, now that I've finally settled in to my new position as teacher and mommy. Thanks for checking in! I'll be back online soon with some teaching tips and tricks, as well as some new novel units I've been working on. Check back soon!! :)
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